Taupo Fishery Focus

Taupo Fishery Focus – Dec 2019

Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai

Written by Taupo Fishery Focus by Editor, James Barnett for  Newsletter : Taupo Fishery Focus #9

Issue 9 – December 2019.

By trout anglers for trout anglers.

Welcome to the December edition of Taupō Fishery Focus, the bi-monthly online newsletter for anglers who fish this world class trout fishery.

Summer brings a wealth of fresh opportunities for catching trout in the Taupō Region. Backcountry rivers are now open providing plenty of new water for fly anglers, while  boaties and kayakers will find success with a variety of techniques on the lake.

This is an excellent time of year for families and friends to get together, kick back and enjoy the great outdoors. Trout fishing is good option, especially for kids who never forget the excitement of catching their first trout! If you are heading out on a fishing trip with the family just ensure everyone who will be fishing has a licence before they start – our online licence store makes it easy to find a suitable option – licences available here>

From the trout’s perspective spawning is largely over. In rivers they will be making the most of increased insect activity to pack on weight – feeding on mayfly, caddis and stonefly, with protein rich cicada proving irresistible during the hotter months. Trout in Lake Taupō will pursue spawning smelt into the shallows, where they will also find bullies and koura after dark. Off-shore winds will carry green beetles onto the lake surface, providing yet another feeding option. Large shoals of smelt will continue to be found in deeper water, with hungry trout in constant attendance.

As summer progresses so the surface water of Lake Taupō heats up causing the lake to stratify – warmer surface water does not mix with deeper cold water. The layer where the warm and cool water meet is called the thermocline, which forms at a depth of  approximately 25 to 30m.  This makes a good target for anglers, as both smelt and trout are attracted here.

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to wish all Taupō anglers an enjoyable festive break. Have fun, stay safe and don’t forget to take a few photos – we will be running our photo competition again in the new year!

Tongariro River - Back country open. Good news for back country fishing fans, December 1 saw headwater rivers and streams open to anglers, allowing access to water previously restricted to protect spawning trout.

Back country open.
Good news for back country fishing fans, December 1 saw headwater rivers and streams open to anglers, allowing access to water previously restricted to protect spawning trout. The back country fishing season in Taupō opens later than many parts of the country due to the late spawning habits of our rainbow trout… more>






Summer smelting. Flowers blooming along the shore of Lake Taupō often coincide with the first arrivals of smelt in the shallows. With hungry trout in hot pursuit!

Summer smelting.
Flowers blooming along the shore of Lake Taupō often coincide with the first arrivals of smelt in the shallows. With hungry trout in hot pursuit! Casting to ‘smelting’ trout in shallow water can be an exciting way to fish. These trout are aggressive and can hit an artificial fly hard… more>






Harling is an ideal method for catching trout in early summer. It is a very mobile technique best suited to low light conditions such as early morning or evening. This video provides an introduction to this valuable technique


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