Freshwater Fly Fishermen freshwater in the sub tropics miss the most is the opportunity to travel to some of the more beautiful places.

Lockdown Daydreaming

During the long months of overlapping Covid lockdowns across all Australian states and the international lockdown to international travel, which is now stretching into years, one of the pleasures we freshwater fly fishermen living in the sub tropics miss the most is the opportunity to travel to some of the more beautiful places on the planet in our own region and overseas.  These short breaks can restore our spirits for the rest of the working year and, while nature is nourishing our inner selves, they also provide the opportunity to cast a long fly line to rising trout on pristine inland waters. I miss it so much.

These newsletters from Sage allow us the opportunity to experience these forbidden pleasures through the eyes of others, if not ourselves and hopefully provide you, as well as me, some hope for the future. They cheer me and I hope they do the same for you. There’s lot more of them in the Recreational Research section.

Read more… Long Days And Long Hikes In British Columbia – Sage Fly Fish

Flyfishing - Lockdown Daydreaming | Freshwater Fly Fishermen

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