Lightload towels

Lightload Towels

When I’m fishing, personal hygiene is not normally my major concern.

Wild trout don’t like the scent of fancy soaps, insect repellents, anti-itch creams or sunburn lotions, so washing of hands is out. No need for towels here.

When I’m staying at a lodge, I get the sulks when there are no clean soft towels and lots of fancy soaps and moisturisers after a day in the sun. Again, no need for a lightweight towel.

So I wasn’t quite sure how to evaluate this little sample of two Lightload (viscose) towels sent to me from the USA. Being an Aussie bloke and a grub: when would I use them?

My mother in law on the other hand, had no trouble at all. She nicked one I had drying near the sink and used it for a tea towel and it came in handy there for a week or two. Held together nicely. So, as a substitute for linen tea towels, they work fine.

But after a couple of months of fishing trips, I still had the remaining sample in my vet back pack.

So I stuck it in my swimming bag. You see, I go training two or three times a week in the local Olympic pool and, being stupid, I sometimes forget things: like togs or a towel.

You can always buy a pair of togs at the pool shop, but they don’t run to towels. So, after a month or so, I found myself, wet and cold, after a shower, but with no towel.

Out came the Lightload towel … which was when I found I only had the little 12-inch square model, not the bigger one. Oops. Still, I opened it and dried my aged, plump torso as well as I could; then wrung it out and wiped a bit more … then wiped and dried … you get the picture.

It worked. I was dry and warm and the little towel was tucked away, for the next emergency, in a side pocket.

These towels work. If you don’t need one for your fishing trips, stick one in your swim bag. Or leave them near the sink for your mother in law. They’re available on line from the link below.



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