A friendly welcome at Smithers’ Airport for your intrepid correspondent who was…like this bad boy … totally stuffed.

A friendly welcome at Smithers Airport for your intrepid correspondent who this bad boy ... totally stuffed.

Playing pontoon with my trusty co-pilot and card shark James. The improvised card table appears to be a rather flat squirrel pillow.
Playing pontoon with my trusty co-pilot and card shark James.

We’re off at last to Spatsizi, British Columbia, in Wendell’s trusty turbo otter. Share the view folks.
We're off at last to Spatsizi, British Columnia, in Wendell's trusty turbo otter.

Hi folks. Beautiful day on the water at #Spatsizi with my little mate. Doesn’t get much better than this for an old fly fisherperson and proud Dad.
Hi folks, beautiful day on the water at Spatsizi with my little mate.

Yours truly engaged in eco-tourism research on the Firesteel River, Spatsizi, today.
Yours truly engaged in eco-tourism research on the Firesteel River Spatsizi today.

James with our host Ray Collingwood, before setting out for the Firesteel River today.
James with our host Ray Collingwood before setting out for the Firesteel River today.

Son James wondering how the Bald Eagle enjoyed what should have been his lunch today #Spatsizi.
Son James wondering how the Bald Eagle enjoyed what should have been his lunch today.

The Bald Eagle who stole our lunch today at Lake Kitchener, British Columbia. Hope he enjoyed it #Spatsizi.
The Bald Eagle who stole our lunch today at Lake Kitchener, British Columbia.

Beautiful Arctic Grayling with one of my Tom Thumb flies firmly in ‘the scissors’. One of 30 we caught & released today on the Stikine River. #Spatsizi
Beautiful Arctic Grayling with one of my Tom Thumb flies firmly in the scissors.

Setting out early morning at Spatsizi to chase Arctic Grayling with Abby the Munsterlander in charge.
Setting out early morning at Spatsizi to chase Artic Grayling with Abby the Munsterlander in charge.

Did I mention early morning starts #Spatsizi can be chilly for a little guy? Hugging Dad helps, and I didn’t mind a bit.
Setting out early morning at Spatsizi to chase Artic Grayling with Abby the Munsterlander in charge.

A Lake Laslui Rainbow Trout caught and released by the team at sunset today on a tiny midge fly #Spatsizi.
A Lake Laslui Rainbow Trout caught and released by the team at sunset today on a tiny midge fly.

Whew! Your humble scribe today landed The Yellow One, a 14 pound, 32 inch, Bull Trout #Spatsizi. With the aide of guide Jake and trusty offsider James. All four of us survived the brawl.
Whew! Your humble scribe today landed The Yellow One, a 14 pound, 32 inch, Bull Trout.

Band of Mountain Goats we spotted on a snowfield from our plane #Spatsizi today.
Band of Mountain Goats we spotted on a snowfield from our plane at Spatsizi today.

Here’s a big buck Caribou taking an evening stroll #Spatsizi.
Here's a big buck Caribou taking an evening stroll #Spatsizi.

James with hisĀ  pound Bull Trout #Spatsizi
James with his pound Bull Trout at Spatsizi today.

Today we met Mrs Beaver at home #Spatsizi.
Today we met Mrs Beaver at home at Spatsizi.

Our pilots are fueling up for our last day of adventures, tomorrow we head home.
Our pilots are fueling up for our last day of adventures, tomorrow we head home.

Petunias et al on the verandah at Spatsizi.
Petunias et al on the verandah at Spatsizi.

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